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MAY 10th – 6.30 pm

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INDIE TALK on“Get Me Carlucci” featuring Kristin Carlucci Weed, author and daughter of U.S. Ambassador to Portugal in the aftermath of the Carnation Revolution
In the context of the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, Kristin Carlucci Weed will talk about her book – Get Me Carlucci - the biography of her father, U.S. Ambassador Frank Carlucci, who was assigned to Portugal after the Carnation Revolution and took a critical role in supporting Portugal’s efforts to turn toward democracy.
Once called ​“Washington’s ultimate survivor” by The Washington Post, Frank C. Carlucci III served six Presidents, traveled the world on behalf of his country, and ultimately rose to prominence as Secretary of Defense. His problem-solving skills and deft diplomacy assured that through every chapter of his extraordinary and varied career, American leaders called on him with a common refrain: ​“Get me Carlucci!” 
Before his death in 2018, Carlucci completed a draft of his memoir, which served as the basis for Get Me Carlucci.
The book combines Carlucci’s own words with interviews from his contemporaries and context from his daughter, Kristin Carlucci Weed, who completes her late father’s story while keeping his ​“characteristic deadpan humor and tell-it-like-it-is sensibility, no frills and no fuss.”
While Carlucci did not seek the spotlight, his work shaped the world as we know it. As a young Foreign Service Officer for the U.S. Department of State, he weathered the turmoil and excitement of the Congo Crisis of the 1960s, and as Ambassador to Portugal in the 1970s, he played a crucial role in the country’s transition to democracy. With a dynamic mind and a knack for building relationships, Carlucci then returned to serve in Washington. As Deputy Director of the CIA, National Security Advisor, and eventually Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan, he defined American Cold War policy, influencing the world as we currently know it.
Books available for sale and autograph after discussion. 
This event is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Portugal and facilitated by INDIE BOOKSHOP. 
It will be held at Pestana Cidadela Cascais hotel:  Pestana Cidadela Cascais – Av Dom Carlos I – 2750-310 Cascais

Past Events:

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Dulce Maria Cardoso -  Talk

Paulina Chiziane - Talk

João Tordo - Writing Workshop

Local: INDIE, not a bookshop.

Date: 17th February / 6pm.  

FREE ENTRANCE - just come.

Dulce Maria Cardoso is a Portuguese author whose family, like many others at the time, had to rush from the African colonies to Portugal.

THE RETURN is her amazing book with all the human dimension of this major event of the Portuguese contemporary history.

Local: INDIE, not a book store

Date: 15th May / 16.30pm.  

FREE ENTRANCE - just come.

To continue with the cultural circuit we will have the the first  African woman writer award winning Camões, the Mozambican Paulina Chiziane whos writing is not just a novel but a mission.
Be prepared for a good Portuguese conversation.

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Maria II with Isabel Stilwell

Date: JUNE 23 / 6pm


When Maria was still a child, she met Alexandrina Victoria, who later became queen Victoria of England. They forged a close bond that lasted a lifetime.
This book details this friendship and gives us a sight of what was the life of these two queens in a world of men.

All events are free. You are always welcome.
You can come even if you haven’t read the book. It’s still interesting and you’ll be able to follow the session.

Local: INDIE, not a book store

Date: 4th and 5th June / 10h to 13h (4th and 5th) and 14:30 to 16.30 (only on 5th)


From Aristotle to Saramago, from Woolf to Atwood, the great fictionists and thinkers of narrative have looked at fiction as a craft. After all, what is a narrative? How is it constructed, how is it structured, and what are its foundations? Why do we need stories, and in what ways do they seduce us? What can be learned? How do you unite art and technique? In this weekend workshop, João Tordo approaches narrative from the writer's point of view - the emotional point of view, using examples from his readings and books and building on the premise of his classroom lessons: "Read like a writer and write like a reader."

To sign up, just send an email to saying I WANT TO GO TO JOÃO TORDO'S WORKSHOP

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INDIE not a bookshop is glad to announce an amazing partnership with Sonia Bareja, the co-founder and CEO of StoryKnack®

Sonia has been a professional storyteller for the last ten years, teaching and mentoring both in the corporate world and also in schools. She has conducted over 300 sessions across schools and colleges in India.

We are very happy to have her here organizing so many cool workshops and gatherings in partnership with us.

All the sessions will be in English, of course, as it’s Sonia maternal language.

I hope you all feel has excited as we are.


Pode acreditar, que é verdade. A Carla Madeira vai estar na INDIE à conversa com a livreira. Vamos falar sobre o seu novo VÉSPERA, mas também do mega sucesso que tem sido TUDO É RIO. Vamos falar de processo criativo, disto de ser mulher, publicitária, mãe, matemática, pintora, cozinheira ocasional e, claro, da escrita e desta coisa que é a vida.
Venha daí para uma conversa que promete um final de tarde noutras geografias.
A entrada é livre, traga quem quiser.

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Paula DiPerna is an author, explorer, and environmental pioneer. Her first novel, "The Discoveries of Madame Cristóvão Colombo," was published in the United States, Turkey, and Germany, and now, finally, in Portugal.
The book places Portugal and a Portuguese woman at the center of the history of the New World, through the eyes of Dona Felipa Moniz de Perestrelo, the woman who married Columbus. It was she who likely elevated him from the obscurity of a mere foreign sailor and castaway to the heights of the royal court of Portugal. The novel introduces us to the diary that Filipa may have kept, written on the high seas, and lost until now, where the eyes and feelings of a woman reveal the intrigue, wonder, and sometimes disaster that came with the voyages of discovery in Europe. DiPerna's novel offers a contemporary perspective on history and unveils the forces behind global events.

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Encontro com

Isabel Stilwell

5 de Novembro, Domingo, 16:30
Pestana Cidadela Cascais

Entrada livre - pré inscrição por email:

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No próximo sábado, Daniel Sampaio vai estar connosco à conversa sobre os desafios que hoje os casais enfrentam neste mundo louco e em constante mutação. 
Numa época em que se registam números elevadíssimos de divórcio e em que muitos casais preferem viver juntos em vez de casar, a questão que se começa a colocar não é porque duram tão pouco os casamentos, mas qual é o segredo de um casamento para a vida toda. 
Neste novo livro, Daniel Sampaio discute as relações afetivas breves e as prolongadas, a monogamia e a infidelidade, a importância da relação precoce com os pais e as vicissitudes do amor. Combinando dois estilos, o ficcional e o ensaístico, o autor traz-nos, de forma transparente e sem preconceitos, os problemas e dificuldades dos casais no mundo de hoje, as suas vitórias e derrotas na luta permanente para manterem viva a sua união.

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O Inusitado e o Comum

7 de Fevereiro – das 19 às 22h
Investimento: 60€

Inscrições para

Venha daí para um serão com esta grande dupla de cronistas brasileiros. Marcos Piangers e Ana Cardoso vão dirigir atividades práticas para exercitar a escrita sobre o quotidiano e fornecer uma série de dicas sobre temas, estrutura e especificidades deste tipo de texto.
Evento organizado numa parceria entre a Sala de Escrita e a INDIE.

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Controverso, polarizador e genial, Bret Easton Ellis é uma espécie de príncipe das trevas da literatura americana, e, acima de tudo, ele mesmo – um provocador.  Autor de treze livros, vários deles adaptados para o cinema, é mais conhecido pelo icónico “Psicopata Americano”.
O autor apresenta agora “Estilhaços”, o seu primeiro romance desde 2013. Esta é, segundo o próprio, a obra que queria escrever – e que o atormentou – durante duas décadas. Uma espécie de memória sobre o que lhe aconteceu a si e aos seus amigos no último ano do liceu, e que a última vez que a tentou escrever, acabou num hospital com um grave ataque de ansiedade.

O MEET THE AUTHOR é uma iniciativa da Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, em parceria com o jornal PÚBLICO. O objetivo é proporcionar aos leitores portugueses um contacto próximo com alguns dos mais conceituados escritores dos EUA. 
As conversas anteriores foram absolutamente incríveis.

Morada da FLAD - Rua do Sacramento à Lapa, 21 1249-090 LISBOA. Tel - 21 393 58 00

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